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Monday, September 14, 2009

Market Thought... conspicuously enough

The three main indicators I am using for the current psychological state of the market are not functioning today. (real-time SP500, Vix and 10-yr yield)

Its a real pisser.

Been trying not to get too annoyed, but it is quite frustrating. Every time I try to access them, its data from 09/11. (I have tried everything on my end w/respect to cookies and individual files that may be fucking it up, but it looks to be a issue.)

My trading set up suits me more than fine when everything is working properly, especially since it allows me to keep a day job (and under the radar). But when things like this happen, and they happen very infrequently, I wish I was spending the big bucks getting the pro-terminals and trading for a living.

Right now, things obviously look bullish. I can not make a clear assessment until the day ends, but I am so uncomfortable with the market at these levels.

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